from the quill of John Cavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
> I've forwarded this email with the relevant header to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], hopefully they will actually take some action.
> If
> you still have it, do the same, it may help.
> Gawd, I hate spam.

Yes, so do I.  So much so that I have spent many hours hacking on an
SMTP server that allows one to be very flexible in preventing spam.  I
further took the time to RPM it up and sent it Mandrake for them to use.

The piece of spam that we are talking about, incidentally is a spam that
would have been prevented were Mandrake using the anti-spam smtp server
that I sent them a few weeks ago.


Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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