On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, Daouda LO wrote:
|  Antony Suter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|  > Vadim Plessky wrote:
|  >
|  > The lesstif package does not include a window manager.
|  wrong! lesstif-mwm
|  > To my knowledge, lesstif is only a set of compatible Motif libraries,
|  > and has no equvalent for MWM. Many other window managers already
|  > provided by Linux-Mandrake have Motif functionality.
|  the lestiff-mwm have no wmsession in kdm :that's all .
|  But u can find the menu entry from other wm (icewm for example)

I can't find menu entry :-(
Sawfish appaared in KDM after I switched to it from Windowmaker of AfterStep, 
don't remember. LessTif - not.
By the way, it has even own web site: www.lesstif.org

see some info from it:
The LessTif Homepage 
LessTif is the Hungry Programmers' version of OSF/Motif®. It is source 
compatible with OSF/Motif® 1.2, meaning that the same source should compile 
with both and work exactly the same. 
LessTif is free software: it is licensed under the GNU Library General Public 
License (LGPL). For further information on the LGPL, and for explanation of 
what free software means, see the GNU web site. You might also want to check 
out The Open Source Web for a little more information about the Open Source 

LessTif Status 

The current version of LessTif is 0.91.8 as of August 31, 2000. The code is 
available for download in various packages. 

Latest LessTif News 

The OpenGroup has published their sources of OpenMotif. Read the core team's 
preliminary statement on this and why the LessTif project will stay alive! 

For some time now, LessTif distributions contain not only the Motif® clone, 
but also a set of utility widgets mostly authored by Rick Scott. This widget 
set is called Xlt. From now on, the LessTif CVS also contains the well known 
Xbae widget set, and we'll be distributing both Xbae and Xlt as separate 

We're very close to getting the Netscape Navigator to work, dynamically 
linked to LessTif instead of Motif®. This is called binary compatibility and 
it looks like we can do it after all. 

The mailing lists are now archived at http://www.mail-archive.com/. The 
LessTif list and the commits list are available sorted by thread and date. 

Xbae 4.8.2 - a second developer's release containing new (but incomplete) 
functionality is available as of June 14, 2000. 

Brand new bugs database for LessTif at SourceForge.net - at 
http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?group_id=8596 . 
Vadim Plessky

P.S.  As I see from LessTif page, Motif sources are also published now. May 
be, it worth to have Motif as option in KDM as well? The users will choose 
what they want.

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