On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 03:45:45PM +0000, Stephen Pickering wrote:
> The real reson for my post, ignore the rest of my email, if this feature 
> is added I'm happy :-)

I'll second that request.

> I did say 'personal experience'.

Right, a number of messaages after you said "most people".  Your
original statement came off as if it was backed by some report or
study.  I was just interested in which one and where I could read it.
No matter now.

> I quoted Gentoo as a source of why some are unhappy with Mandrake as they
> have reasons why they chose to abandon Mandrake.

Yeah, but Gentoo is a whole different philosophy in Linux
distributions, so much so that the philosophy shadows (by a great
amount, IMHO) the fact that it uses .deb rather than .rpm.  In other
words, IMO, people go to Gentoo for it's distribution philosophy
(linux tuned to specific hardware) not because it's .deb.  Gentoo is a
red-herring in the .deb vs. .rpm debate.


Brian J. Murrell

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