I had this problem with LM8.1 and could never figure it out.  I even
installed redhat 7.2 with the same version of KDE and I had no problem
there.  I don't get it.  Isn't kde, kde?

I want to complain now before the final release is out.  In windows the
startup sound works.  I just can't stand something working in windows
and not in linux!

I mean, it is only a startup sound, but it is something that does not
work ( for me anyways ).

I am attaching my .xsession-errors if that is worth anything.


On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 19:51, Jason Jesso wrote:
> With LM8.2 Beta's 1 & 2 I get a pop-up informational window when logging
> into KDE.
> ====================================
> X: Informational
> Sound server informational message:
> Error while initializing the sound driver.
> device /dev/dsp can't be opened
> (Device or resource busy)
> The sound server will continue using
> the null output device
> ====================================
> The login sound does not play.  Sound works after login. The logout
> sound works.  This only happens on login.
> Is this a bug or what?  How can I fix this?
> In HardDrake my Sound card info is:
> Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI
> Kernel Module: es1371
> Thanks
> Jason

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 2976 result = 0
_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
DCOP: register 'anonymous-2976' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOPServer up and running.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-2976'
kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 2980 result = 0
DCOP: register 'klauncher' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister 'klauncher'
DCOP: register 'klauncher' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register 'anonymous-2980' -> number of clients is now 2
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-2980'
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 2983 result = 0
DCOP: register 'kded' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister 'kded'
DCOP: register 'kded' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register 'anonymous-2983' -> number of clients is now 2
DCOP: register 'anonymous-2984' -> number of clients is now 3
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kbuildsycoca' -> number of clients is now 4
kdeinit: PID 2985 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'kbuildsycoca'
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-2984'
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kconf_update' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 2988 terminated.
DCOP: new daemon kded
kdeinit: PID 2983 terminated.
kdeinit: opened connection to :0.0
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-2983'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-2967' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-2967'
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kbuildsycoca' -> number of clients is now 1
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3001' -> number of clients is now 2
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3001'
DCOP: register 'ksplash' -> number of clients is now 2
kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
kdeinit: Killing kdeinit/klauncher.
kio (KLauncher): ERROR: KLauncher: KDEInit communication error! Commiting suicide!
DCOP aborting (delayed) call from 'kded' to 'klauncher'
DCOP: unregister 'klauncher'
kdeinit: Launched DCOPServer, pid = 3007 result = 0
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove /home/jason/.DCOPserver_cahill_:0
and start dcopserver again.

kdeinit: Launched KLauncher, pid = 3008 result = 0
DCOP: register 'klauncher' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: unregister 'klauncher'
DCOP: register 'klauncher' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3008' -> number of clients is now 4
DCOP: new daemon klauncher
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3008'
kdeinit: Launched KDED, pid = 3011 result = 0
DCOP: register 'kded' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: unregister 'kded-2'
DCOP: register 'kded' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: unregister 'kded-2'
KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3011' -> number of clients is now 3
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kbuildsycoca' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kbuildsycoca' -> number of clients is now 4
kbuildsycoca already running!
DCOP: unregister 'kbuildsycoca-2'
kdeinit: PID 3013 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 3011 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3011'
kdeinit: opened connection to :0.0
kdeinit: Launched 'kcminit', pid = 3014 result = 0
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3014' -> number of clients is now 3
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/jason/.gtkrc' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'KDE_MULTIHEAD=false' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/jason/.gtkrc' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'KDE_MULTIHEAD=false' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kmixctrl' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'QT_XFT=0' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'QT_XFT=0' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'artswrapper' from launcher.
library=artswrapper.la: No file names artswrapper.la found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'artswrapper' from launcher.
library=artswrapper.la: No file names artswrapper.la found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3014'
kdeinit: PID 3014 terminated.
kdeinit: Launched 'knotify', pid = 3025 result = 0
DCOP: register 'knotify' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3025' -> number of clients is now 4
DCOP: new daemon knotify
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3025'
kdeinit: PID 3025 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 3018 terminated.
DCOP: register 'ksmserver' -> number of clients is now 3
_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
kdeinit: Got SETENV 'SESSION_MANAGER=local/cahill:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3051' from klauncher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwin' from launcher.
DCOP: unregister 'kbuildsycoca'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3084' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3084'
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3084' -> number of clients is now 3
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3084'
DCOP: register 'kwin' -> number of clients is now 3
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kdesktop' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kdesktop' -> number of clients is now 4
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3101' -> number of clients is now 5
Can't get own host name. Your system is severely misconfigured

There are already artsd objects registered, looking if they are active...

Error: Can't add object reference (probably artsd is already running).
       If you are sure it is not already running, remove the relevant files:


kdeinit: PID 3022 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 3101 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3101'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'krootwarning' from launcher.
library=krootwarning.la: No file names krootwarning.la found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kicker' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'kicker' -> number of clients is now 5
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3105' -> number of clients is now 6
kdeinit: PID 3104 terminated.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_file' from launcher.
kdeinit: PID 3105 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3105'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'klipper' from launcher.
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'alarmd' from launcher.
library=alarmd.la: No file names alarmd.la found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwrited' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'klipper' -> number of clients is now 6
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3114' -> number of clients is now 7
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'kmix' from launcher.
library=kmix.la: No file names kmix.la found in paths.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
DCOP: register 'kwrited' -> number of clients is now 8
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3116' -> number of clients is now 9
DCOP: unregister 'ksplash'
kdeinit: PID 3114 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3114'
DCOP: register 'kmix' -> number of clients is now 8
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3119' -> number of clients is now 9
DCOP: new daemon kwrited
kdeinit: PID 3116 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3116'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC 'konsole' from launcher.
DCOP: register 'alarmd' -> number of clients is now 8
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3115' -> number of clients is now 9
DCOP: register 'anonymous-3124' -> number of clients is now 10
kdeinit: PID 3115 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3115'
kdeinit: PID 3119 terminated.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-3119'
kdeinit: Got EXT_EXEC '/usr/bin/evolution' from launcher.
Could not load library! Trying exec....
kdeinit: PID 3109 terminated.
kdeinit: PID 3108 terminated.

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