
Every day these :
 1947 ?        00:00:00 run-parts
 2103 ?        00:00:00 msec
 2181 ?        00:01:44 rpmv
 2182 ?        00:00:00 grep
 2183 ?        00:00:00 sed
 2184 ?        00:00:00 sort

bring my system to a complete halt while they thrash the disc and seem to 
occupy every IO sub-system available. RPM won't run at all, every program 
launch can be measured in minutes. What's more it just seems to run and run 
and run and run and run and run and run and run..........

I commented out the contents of cron.daily/rpm but it still happens. Could 
someone tell me where these are launched from so I may disable it ?

Couldn't things like this be niced to the lowest priority possible ! Or 
better still not run every day !


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