
"Ages" ago, I filed a bug concerning squid at the bugtracker:


To be exact, it was filed 2000-12-29 19:51:27.

The bug text reads:

  None of the bugs listed on the bugs page at
  http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.3/bugs/ have been fixed
  in the Mandrake release of squid 2.3STABLE4.
  I uploaded an updated RPM ( squid-2.3.STABLE4-4mdk.src.rpm ) to
  ftp://ftp.linux-mandrake.com/incoming .

Will this bug be fixed/closed for 8.0?

I'm sending this to this list with a CC to jmdault, as he doesn't seem to
have noticed this bug yet.

Alexander Skwar
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