Hi all,

I've managed to kill XFree86 and have had no luck reviving it. First, the
standard details:

Before it died, I had X running on my PII 450SMP with GeForce2 GTS 64MB.
Kernel was 2.4.0 with the patch for the NVIDIA_kernel module. Running the
Nvidia drivers with XFree86-4.0.1. I could also run with the 2.2.17 kernel I
have as backup. Rest of system is pretty up to date Mandrake-7.2 with many
cooker additions.

I thought (stupidly) that I'd like to try and get 4.0.2 to work, so I
downloaded the RPMS from the cooker site and, well, just installed them. BIG
mistake. First, my computer wouldn't start at all in network mode(bus errors
baby), but I did manage to get it working in single mode. From there I
uninstalled the 4.0.2 and put back 4.0.1 from the Linux-Mandrake 4.0.1

Computer starts, and quietly enters init 3 as always. But when I tried to
start X it either came up for a half second or so before returning with the
console about permissions problems (/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open
display ":0") or worse, it would come up and hang. With no magic sysrq key
save either, to boot (or reboot!).

I decided to try the normal nv.o module, and of course upgraded to 4.0.2
again because that has standard support for GeForce2 GTS cards. All good,
except that I'm still not getting X up. It comes up, I see the blue
background I use, a mouse cursor and boom it goes down.

I've checked the messages, and there's nothing to indicate what's wrong.
When X shuts off the last lines look completely normal, with the very last
line being something like "... xhost: localhost being added to the access
control list."

I'm pretty sure it's some weird permissions problem, and I've checked and
reinstalled PAM, run msec on levels 1 to 3, but with no luck. Any help would
be really, REALLY appreciated, as I'm stuck in Windows until I get my
beloved X back.

Thanks so much in advance.

Best regards,
Paul Dorman.

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