Dear Mandrake builders,

It's nice to see that you put in the fix to the font thing I

Unfortunately I still think some of the stuff in the default start up
is a Bad Idea.  Why?

I get an error message whenever I try to type % near an open bracket.

I happen to type that quite a lot since I enter phrases like
"%(x,y).foo x + y".  Perhaps the languages you use don't have
this syntax and you assume % is always a comment or something.
So you haven't noticed this problem.

Lucky for me, I can correct this myself because I manage my own system
and know Emacs Lisp.  Many people are not this lucky and would assume
it was an XEmacs bug and unfixable.

This is why you should only put customizations in which make sense for
the distribution, not alter personal preferences or surprise the user.
It's nice to have fancy things, but not when they're broken or
undocumented (or both).

Please consider removing the key binding for your function, at least.


 - David.

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