 setup -2.0.6-15mdk

This is L-M 6.1 7.0b upgrade
rpm by rpm. Everything major 
has settled down but continuing
to have Xconfigurator probs.

No probs with 6.1 with screen rez and mouse

#Xconfigurator --> "Xconfigurator has successfully probed
Cirrus Logic:GD 5464 (Laguna)
X Server:SVGA
        Default color Depth:32 bpp

I choose "do it myself"
(there is no 32bpp setting?)

I get  "there was an error executing the XServer in probing mode"
So I run through 'Custom settings' again,
<yes, I have monitor spec sheet> 
Still get errors

Quit Xconfig and Setup

Do it again 

No Successful Probe this time and kicks me to "custom"
Do the "custom settings" thing with
Conservative:  bpp16:640x480--800x600--1024x768

Still get errors.!

Starting an Xsession gets me somewhere but mouse cursor
still disappears in what seems to be a 1024x768 mode.
'mouseconfig' sees my mouse as Mouse Sytems serial
It has 3 buttons but the 3button emulation box appears
to have no effect either checked or unchecked

Conclusions? Suggestions?

Hopes: I would like to get a clean no error X install
to share with my "doubting Thomas" M$ user friends
to enhance their desire to "jump ship and join the rebellion"

Thanks People It's looking Good!

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

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