please note, (so used to doing this i forgot to note)

the "/wavs" file ends up in the /usr directory on all .tar.gz's and rpm's

don't know why.  if i'm not mistakened, the "/wavs" should end up in teh

so usually i just copy this dir from the /usr default location to the

then, the links inside the /home/users/.licq/licq.conf file pointing to the
/wavs dir don't work. so i edit the following:

before > Message = ~/.licq/message.wav
after    > Message = /home/user/.licq/message.wav

And then it works.   The only reason i can see someone doing this to begin with
is to prevent sound from working and crashing.  but even then, one could just
rem those sound links out in the linux.conf instead of moving the directory. 
go figure.



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