Below is a thread in kde-user. Is there any possibility to incorporate cups 
clients in kde programs?



kde-user thread:

If you have got no /etc/printcap file generated by cups, insert in cupsd.conf:
         "Printcap /etc/printcap"
I don't know any possibility to print via qtcups in kde (and I use Mandrake). 
So, if you want to modify the printer settings, your solution (temporary ps 
file) is the current way to go. 
I think that I'll also send this email to the Mandrake-devel list: Maybe they 
know a more elegant way, e.g. kde printer selection could show all instances 
of a printer (with different options). 

On Thursday 15 February 2001 03:49, Rinse de Vries wrote:
> KDE looks at /etc/printcap and lists the available printers from there.
> I guess you should configure /etc/printcap to make it list qtcups as wel.
> Mandrake is using Kups af default printersetup, so it must be possible to
> use Kups or QT-Cups with KDE. Please check out their websites to find out
> how to use QT cups or Kups with kde.
> workaround is the following:
> print to a file in stead of a printer
> open ps-file in konqueror or  kghostview
> tell kghostview to use the at-cups command to print the file
> Kind regards, Rinse
> Op dinsdag 13 februari 2001 22:05, schreef MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE het volgende:
> >One of my pet annoyances with KDE (and my only annoyance!) is printing.
> >  I happily use cups and all my non-kde applications at some point ask
> > me what print command I'd like them to use e.g "lp" or "lp" or possibly
> > "cat > /dev/lp0".  I have all mine set to use qtcups which pops up a
> > nice print dialogue allowing me to change paper size, print position,
> > resolution etc.
> >
> >For the life of me I can not find any similar option in KDE.  I'm
> > currently running kde 2.1beta2.
> >
> >How does KDE decide what print command to use.  I find some things that
> > print and others that don't.  I have to use Open With -> qtcups to get
> > most things printed.  Anybody have any thoughts?
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >
> >Mark

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