Found a few more minutes to do some more LVM root hacking and testing.

I am using a very up to date Cooker image with modified lilo and
mkinitrd RPMs (I needed to modify them for LVM root) which I have
overwritten the Mandrake distributed versions (in Mandrake/RPMS/)
on my Hard Disk image (of Cooker) which I do hd.img installs from.

It would seems that the as of late, the installer is complaining that
they were unable to install.  If I switch to the F2 screen and
manually install them with:

# rpm -r /mnt -ivh /mnt/mnt/hd/Mandrake/RPMS/mkinitrd-3.1.6-9mdk.i586.rpm
# rpm -r /mnt -ivh /mnt/mnt/hd/Mandrake/RPMS/lilo-21.7.5-1mdk.i586.rpm

they install just fine.

I am taking a guess here that the installer is checking if the RPM is
signed (or just verifying the signature on it) and failing (because I
don't sign the RPMs I make, nor do I have the Mandrake key to sign
them anyway) and refusing to install them if not signed.

Am I correct here?  Is there any way to work around this behaviour?


Brian J. Murrell

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