no I checked, and there is 2 gigs of free space, seems like enough room for
temporary iso files if any were being created.  I'm trying it again and will
let you know if I get that one big iso file again.

-----Original Message-----
From: pablito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] iso file creation

>Do you need to have enough space on the linux partition to hold all of the
>iso files?  I noticed that the script was making these compressed images in
>/tmp.  As I said, I put the linux file downloads in a windows partition
>since linux can read windows but not the other way around.  We just got DSL
>here and so far only one laptop is connected to it and it's not networked.
>I have to download on that computer, then attach it to another computer and
>transfer the files to it since the laptop doesn't have a CD burner.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Warly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:55 AM
>Subject: Re: [Cooker] iso file creation
>>"pablito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I have tried to mirror cooker and make the iso files several times.
>>> everyone else makes these with no problems, I figured I must be doing
>>> something wrong.
>>> There was something wrong with the mkcds install script at first.  Then
>>> found out mkisofs is not installed by default and installed it.  Now,
>>> result is fairly standard:
>>>     a.  A message saying I don't have locale configured right, which I
>>> checked and found that locale is installed and appears to be configured.
>>not important
>>>     b.  At the end of the script, messages that files were not found in
>>> scripts and were being added to the last iso file.  This happens no
>>> how many times I repeat the mirroring process.  (I could not get the DSL
>>> connection to work in linux so I am using a windows program called
>>> syncromagic that seems to make a copy of the site and delete
>>> files.)
>>This is not linked to the mirroring process. This only have to do with the
>>Mandrake/base/rpmslist file. This files contains the cooker packages
>>by CDs. As there are often new packages or new libraries into cooker,
>>that I only check once every one or 2 weeks, are not up to date, and as a
>>there are packages present in the repository but not in the file, these
>>are added to the last iso images automatically.
>>> c.  Result:  I get three iso files, one 1.2 gigs in size and the other 2
>>> 0 bytes apiece.  I got this same result once by running by
>>This is not normal, however.

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