I don't know if Mandrake have the process to make a
post mortem after the release of the distribution. But
I want to add my 2 cents too.
I try to test the beta and the RC. The all get out by
monday. I begin dowloading them the monday afternoon.
(I have a oc3 at the job and a cable modem (1m
donwload) at house) and I don't able to have it burned
before the wednesday (and thursday for the rc1) .
 I think that a lot of people have the same problem.
We have 2 or three CD to download. Even on my fast
Internet Connection I can get it enough fast to test
it and report bug in time before the other beta
I hope that the next beta process have a way to get
it. Mayby a two week by test phase. 

-Denis B.
 --- Bryan Paxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > On
Mon, 2002-03-18 at 13:41, Ben Reser wrote:
> > That's my 2 cents on the issue and all I'm going
> to say...
> > 
>  Much agreed... So much, that I really don't have
> anything to add. 
> As I said before, cooker used to be lots of fun
> (e.g., prior to 8.x).
> That fun has seemed to be stripped... Then again,
> you have to look at it
> from the mdksoft perspective, that they do have a
> deadline to meet, and
> I think there's quite a bit of frustration on both
> ends. 
>  Where does my frustration lie? Ideas that I
> expounded that I have never
> gotten credit for, fixes I have never gotten credit
> for, fixes/idea that
> were never even acknowledged, etc...
>  However I buried the hatchet, so to speak, what's
> done is done.
> On 8.2 devel... 
>  As I said in a private email with one of the
> mdksoft developers, I do
> admit during this release, I came in a bit late,
> emailing in quite a few
> false-positives, this surely caused frustration on
> the mdksoft side
> (e.g., hunting for bugs that were not there). For
> this I apologize...
>  With that said, we begin again... A clean slate. 
> I think one thing needs to always be kept in mind...
> Management especially should heed to this...
> This is a community. Each side depends upon each
> other, one can not, in
> no way, in a right way, co-exist without the other.
> Understanding that
> development of any open-source/free software is
> mutual can only speed
> up, quality, intuitiveness, and integrity of the
> project.
>  Now, let the games begin : )
> (after a short break of course : p)
> Tashi Delek
> -- 
> Bryan Paxton
> Public PGP key: http://www.deadhorse.net/bpaxton.gpg
> Trying, the volition devoid of action, this is
> idleness. 
> Doing, the volition replete in motion, a process.
> Being that all things are impermanent, this process
> is constant.
> If one realizes such, the process is in all
> actuality, one step.
> A motion that can not be reversed, but may be
> halted.
> Both ways does this sway.

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