> > licq -p qt-gui
> >
> > or licq -p gtk_gui
> >
> > is not a good idea since that destroys the list of the "last
> run" plugins
> > which _may_ include the autoreply plugins, etc.
> >
> Yes, I have also thought about that, there is a pluginmanager in some guis
> but not all. That's why I thought that a menu entry that makes
> licq -p gtk_gui (or whatever) would be nice to let the user get back to
> a knon setting. Ok it means that there might be a lot of menu options and

maybe there should be a default of licq -p qt-gui. after all, it _is_ the
default plugin?

> that those will not care about the last used list... There is downsides to
> this but I dont see another solution for the newbees...
> Maybe there could be some kind of launcher that asks what gui to
> use... well I dont know.

maybe someone can write a "licq launcher" for licq. it would not be too hrd
to do, get a list of plugins from /usr/local/lib/licq or maybe /usr/lib/licq
(should be able to specify from the program in case some people
compile --prefix=/usr and some --prefix=/usr/local)

> And I don't think I got an answer to how the menu stuff works... (it might
> be good to know in other projects too.), does the package need to do
> anyting to take advantage over that...
> > > And the second quiestion that's obvious. Would you be
> so now you can show off to your friends ;)

> We have seen this already, the reason I ask is that  there is going to be
> a new release soon, and it would be nice to have  someone to throw things
> on... ehhrr I mean ask for help ;)

don't worry, cooker is updated frequently. if you are the author and you
would like to get your stuff updated on mandrake, just send a mail to cooker
and you will erceive extra-priority :-) the only thing that packagers don't
do in cooker is that they don't usually update any development version stuff



Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tvistevägen 26                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769

'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen
I fight for the fight'       PGP: http://www.acc.umu.se/~snaggen/snaggen.asc

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