> The following is current instructions on the
> Mandrake homepage for getting cooker along
> with the mirror and the wget instructions can
> the rsync instructions be added? and how do
> you use rsync to get cooker with out getting
> all the .src.rpm's?

Use something like this (this is what I use, it works great..):

(Be aware, these lines are purposely wrapped due to their length..)


rsync -av --delete --exclude "*.src.rpm" \ 
ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake-devel/cooker \ 

rsync -av --delete --exclude "*.src.rpm" \ 
ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake-crypto/7.1 \ 

rsync -av --delete --exclude "*.src.rpm" \ 
ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake/updates/7.1/RPMS \ 

rsync -av --delete --exclude "*.src.rpm" \ 
ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake/updates/7.1/descriptions \ 

Don Head
Linux Mentor
Wave Technologies, Inc.

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