Hello JJ,

Do you startx on boot or with the command startx?

If you use the command you might look in /etc/sysconfig/desktop and
see if a line has been added "DESKTOP=KDE" or "DESKTOP=GNOME" which
ever you boot to.  If so remove the "DESKTOP=" part.  I had this
happen the last time I upgraded.

Wednesday, February 28, 2001, 8:24:22 PM, you wrote:

J> Yes, my latest upgrade left X totally unuseable, it goes to the blue screen,
J> I see the mouse pointer for a few milliseconds, then it exits, NO errors
J> tho....
J> Duron 700, voodoo3 3000 AGP, KDE manager, I think it might have been libs
J> related? I'll try a fresh install tomorrow and see what happens, too tired
J> right now..

J> Eugenio Diaz wrote:

>> Ever since I upgraded to the new cooker (2.96 based) from the old cooker
>> (2.95), several things seem to die unexpectedly leaving no trace.
>> For example:
>> 1. I have a backup script that uses dump. Some times it runs fine, but
>> some times the spawned dump processes stop dumping and hang in there
>> doing nothing; I do an strace on them and they show to be in "pause(".
>> 2. The xfs server dies without leaving any trace of it's dead when you
>> probe some fonts with any application; those fonts worked fine before.
>> 3.  Some times when my ISP hangs my ppp connection, pppwatch dies
>> unexpectedly while reconnecting, again without a trace, and my machine
>> just stays off-line. This is very bad, since if I am traveling, there is
>> no way to access my machine if it falls into this condition (unless I
>> run a script to monitor for this problem). Anyway, this happens only
>> some times.
>> This could all be several different problems, but I doubt it, since all
>> started at the same time when I upgraded to the new cooker, and they all
>> exhibit the same behavior of not leaving any trace in any log or
>> anything.
>> Any one having similar problems?
>> --
>> Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE
>> Linux Engineer

Best regards,
 Robin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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