
Applied to this mail is a synced php.ini patch and a spec file patch that 
includes all new/forgotten php extensions.

Regards // Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT Networks

MandrakeSoft is pushing the apache2 revolution forward to unknown grounds. 
Check my latest work here: http://www.deserve-it.com/modules_for_apache2.html 
--- php.ini	2002-11-27 17:11:00.000000000 +0100
+++ php.ini.oden	2002-11-27 20:13:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -458,7 +458,9 @@
 ;extension = cyrus.so
 ;extension = dba_bundle.so
 ;extension = dbase.so
+;extension = dbg.so
 ;extension = dbx.so
+;extension = dio.so
 ;extension = domxml.so
 ;extension = exif.so
 ;extension = filepro.so
@@ -479,13 +481,18 @@
 ;extension = mysql.so
 ;extension = odbc.so
 ;extension = oracle.so
+;extension = overload.so
+;extension = pam_auth.so
 ;extension = pdf.so
 ;extension = pgsql.so
+;extension = php_gtk.so
 ;extension = posix.so
 ;extension = readline.so
+;extension = rrdtool.so
 ;extension = sablot.so
 ;extension = session.so
 ;extension = shmop.so
+;extension = smbauth.so
 ;extension = snmp.so
 ;extension = sockets.so
 ;extension = swf.so
@@ -511,7 +518,6 @@
 ; Module Settings ;
@@ -917,6 +923,103 @@
 ;mcrypt.algorithms_dir  =
 ;mcrypt.modes_dir       =
+; load the thing
+apc.mode = mmap
+; supported: (M/S)
+; default: off
+; Sets the operating mode of the APC cache.
+; Valid values are: off, shm or mmap
+; If set to shm, then apc is operating in shared memory mode
+; if set to mmap, then apc is operating in memory mapped files mode
+; Please see FAQ for pro and contra of those modes
+apc.cache_rt = safe
+; supported: (SHM)
+; default: safe
+; cache_rt defines the cache retrieval policy.  safe is the default
+; behaviour - global locks are taken around all cache retrievals.
+; fast uses an optimistic cache address cacheing to avoid global
+; locks for faster object retrieval.  A timestamped magic value at the 
+; end of all objects tries to ensure that no corruption can occur.
+; This is an experimental feature.
+apc.cachedir = /var/cache/apc
+; supported: (M)
+; default: NULL
+; cachedir sets the top-level dir under which to write compiled php
+; files.  If this is not set, cache files will be created along side 
+; their corresponding php files, with the same name and a _apc 
+; extension.  The webserver user must have permision to create files
+; in this directory.
+apc.hash_buckets = 1024
+; supported: (S)
+; default: 1024
+; hash_buckets sets the number of hash_buckets in the master index.  
+; Since for technical reasons, the master index is statically allocated,
+; it is important that this number be larger than the number of php 
+; files to be cached (don't forget includes!)  Each bucket takes 264 
+; bytes of memory, so setting this to a large (but reasonable) value
+; does no harm. As a rule of thumb, the number of buckets should be
+; at least one third greater than the total number of files you are
+; going to cache.
+apc.regex = 
+; supported: (M,S)
+; default: NULL
+; example: apc.regex="no_cache.inc:bad_file.inc"
+; regex is a colon delimited list of POSIX extended regex of files 
+; NOT to cache.
+apc.shm_segments = 10
+; supported: (S)
+; default: 10
+; shm_segements sets the maximum number of sysv shared memory segments 
+; to be used.
+apc.shm_segment_size = 33554431
+; supported: (S)
+; default: 33554431
+; shm_segment_size sets the size of sysv shared memory segments to use,
+; in bytes.
+apc.ttl = 1
+; supported: (M,S)
+; default: 0
+; values: {0,1}
+; ttl sets a global ttl on all cache objects.  Objects not updated in
+; ttl seconds will be expired and delted.
+apc.check_mtime = 1
+; supported: (S)
+; default: 0
+; values: {0,1}
+; specifies whether a source file should be re-compiled if it has been
+; modified since it was last compiled. This may result in a slight loss
+; of efficiency.
+apc.relative_includes = 1
+; supported: (M,S)
+; default: 1
+; values: {0,1}
+; specifies whether a relative paths may be passed to the PHP file
+; inclusion functions (include(), require(), include_once(), etc.).
+; This may result in a slight loss of efficiency. Note: this option
+; must be enabled for the PHP include path to function correctly!
+apc.check_compiled_source = 0
+; supported: (M,S)
+; default: 0
+; values: {0,1}
+; specifies whether or not to check to see if the php source file you
+; are reading is actually a compiled file.  This is the so-called
+; encoder functionality.  As there does not exist a standalone compiler,
+; current version mmap files should be used.
 ; Local Variables:
 ; tab-width: 4
 ; End:
--- php.spec	2002-11-27 17:02:26.000000000 +0100
+++ php.spec.oden	2002-11-27 20:22:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Summary:	The PHP4 scripting language
 Name:		php
 Version:	4.2.3
-Release:	3mdk
+Release:	4mdk
 Group:		Development/Other
 URL:		http://www.php.net
 Source0:	http://www.php.net/distributions/php-%{version}.tar.bz2
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 # Yes I know..., some of these names are mandrake specific.
 # JMD: put mysql, pgsql ... ldap  first, so people will see them first.
-%define external_modules mysql pgsql gd imap ldap bcmath bz2 calendar curl dba_bundle dbx dbase exif filepro gmp libphp_java mcrypt mhash ming odbc openssl pdf readline recode sablot shmop snmp sybase unixODBC t1lib zip xml xslt xmlrpc domxml vpopmail pspell
+%define external_modules mysql pgsql gd imap ldap apc bcmath bz2 calendar curl dba_bundle dbg dbx dbase dio exif filepro gmp libphp_java mcrypt mhash ming odbc openssl overload pdf readline recode rrdtool sablot shmop smbauth snmp sybase unixODBC t1lib zip xml xslt xmlrpc domxml vpopmail pam_auth php_gtk pspell
 # Here are reasons for each extension
@@ -384,6 +384,9 @@
+* Wed Nov 27 2002 Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4.2.3-4mdk
+- include all present php extensions in the php.ini file and in the phpinfo(); hack
 * Wed Nov 27 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4.2.3-3mdk
 - Patch4: Temptative 64-bit fixes
 - Patch5: Teach it wonderful life of lib64

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