So now that school's out for a while I thought this would be a good time 
to wipe out everything on my machine and play with the cooker. I only 
have my ibook2 that I can use so mirroring the cooker on another machine 
and ftp installing is out of the question. So here is what I attempted...

I made the the boot and swap partitions just like I normally would. Then 
I made another hfs partition to mirror the cooker on (hfs so I could 
boot from it when I do the regular installs) which was 2.0 G. I came up 
with that number because in George's how-to he said that the cooker was 
about 1.7G so I figured that 2.0 G would be OK. Then I finally used up 
all the rest of the space for an ext2 root partition (I don't use any 
Mac software).

Next, I installed mandrake 8.0 on the ext2 partition and used that to do 
the mirroring. I used mirrordir just like Goerge's how-to said and it 
started copying the files. Of course, this takes a while so I let it run 
all day and now it is saying that there is not enough space on the disk. 
Somehow the mirrordir had filled up my entire 2.0 G hfs partition.

So has the cooker grown over 2.0 G or is something wrong here? Do you 
think this is a problem with hfs and how it fragments or something? If 
the cooker got bigger than 2.0 G, is there a max size that you won't let 
it get bigger than? It matters to me because my disk is only 10 G and if 
I'm compiling alot of software on a regular basis I can easily use that up.


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