Hey All,

Having my own network at home, I find it very useful to have a network sniffer-like tool. I have found a src.rpm and compiled it into a binary rpm for all. It does require some additional libs, but the all should be on the Mandrake 9.1 PPC CDs.

You can find the RPM at:

Some notes regarding Ethreal:

   * Must run as root (since the interface must be put into promiscious
   * After ending a capture, the interface is "blocked" (that is it
     doesn't pass normal traffic)
         o To unblock the interface  bounce it with ifdown eth0; ifup
           eth0  (assuming you are sniffing on eth0)
   * Find out more information on Ethereal at www.ethereal.com

I didn't do anything to the source other than compile it. If you have questions on how to use it, I suggest you look at www.ethereal.com, or look at the excellent man page. You can also ask me, and I'll tell you what I know.

Feature requests should be directed to the fine folks at www.ethereal.com.

Have fun, and sniff networks for good (not just to pick up passwords on the wire).


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