lör 2003-02-15 klockan 11.51 skrev Serafim Dahl:
> Hi,
> I just bought one of these new iBooks (800Mhz, 14.1 inch screen).
> Very nice indeed. However - beeing a Linux/Unix user I had to
> try Linux on this machine. I started with debian.
> It does not get the swedish keyboard right. I tried everything
> including writing my own keymap. No.
> So, next was Mandrake Linux PPC, 9.1beta2.
> It does get the keyboard configured so as to let me use the
> national characters in a comprehensible way but I can't
> figure out the hidden stuff like {, [, ], } et.c.

As another Swedish ibook user I found out by accident that you get AltGr
functionality by pressing Fn (lower left corner) and Alt. A more
comfortable solution in the long run is to remap alt-gr to the enter key
I followed the instructions over at

Good luck!

> Also, the ATI Radeon Mobile 7500 is not well configured.
> There are spurious stripes running all over the screen
> and I imagine that it might come from a too old radeon
> driver. I think I can fix the radeon driver, but
> I am sure that the keyborad stuff is over my head.

Problems such as this usually gets fixed eventually by the XFree86 team.


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