>>  Ok I might have screwed this up in burning the CD because I couldn't
>>  boot by holding C, but no problem I used the open firmware to boot into
>>  yaboot.
>   My PowerBook stopped booting from the CDs after I updated the firmware, so
>I don't think the inability to boot from a CD is necessarily an indication of
>a bad burn.
>>  This is where the problems are, I press enter to run the default
>>  install, it says "Loading kernel...." then stops and says "Image not
>>  found" and goes back to" boot>". Anyone know where I went wrong? Did I
>>  burn the CD wrong or is something else not working?
>   Instead of pressing enter to accept the default boot option, hit the tab
>key to display all the available boot options. I don't know what video card
>your Mac uses, but "install-aty128fb" works for me on both an iMac and
>Powerbook. Do any of them work for you?
>See ya'

By the way this is the Mandrake 8.0 rc1 that I am trying to install.
it loads into yaboot and things go as follows
"boot:<enter any option here>
Loading kernel...
wrong partition 1 signature

Image not found...try again
Warning ! default_close called !"

I have tried every option yet this is all I get, any ideas? Could I 
have burned the CD wrong?


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