I have been using Linux for a few years now and the new excitment for me is 
the arrival of a powerbook wallstreet I will be attempting to setup MDK 8.2 
PPC on. I am eager to see how Linux runs in a RISC enviroment.  As this is my 
first time working with a PPC any tips or suggestions are appriciated.

The first stumbling block I have run into is it came with mac os x jaguar 
installed, with 9.2 in a sepirate partion. This powebook boots into os x, 
from there when I launch bootX it launches 9.2 to run bootX, I set it up 
(which is the best video driver for a powerbook wallstreet?) once configured 
I select linux and it shuts down the 9.2 but does not reboot the system. Only 
returns me to os x. I have thought about just formatting the drive with 
disktools however untill I am certain I can boot from cd and initiate the 
install process i am leary of ending up with no os and no way to acess 
somthing like bootX
What is the procedure for directing a powerbook wallstreet to boot from cd?
What is my next step?
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