
I've recently started having problems with my Mandrake 8.0 install.  I
recently re-installed 8.0 from CDs that I had burned.  Initially everything
went fine, upgraded kernel, a couple packages, etc.  However, I then decided
to re-install because I felt that I could set up the partitions better.  On
this attempt, and all subsequent attempts, I am no longer able to start
Gnome.  Once I try to login, I receive a message that gnome-session has
crashed (segmentation fault), and I am no longer able to access any windows.
I'm trying to track down where the error is, but I am unable to fund any
error messages.  /var/log/messages does not include anything,
~/.gnome-errors does not appear to exist, etc.  Is there anyplace else that
I might be able to find error messages?  I am still able to console into the
machine, run level 3 works fine until i try to get into run level 5, it's
just when I start Gnome.  KDE doesn't appear to work, either, so I'm tempted
to think that it's a problem with X.  I'm currently running xpmac (it's a
7500 with 4MB in control).  I haven't tried XFree because I believe this
install doesn't work.  I haven't tried to build XFree, though I suppose
that's another option.  It's just that I know this should work since I did
have it working without problems for months, it's just started happening.

If anyone has any ideas of where I can start, or other places I can look for
error messages, I would appreciate it.


7500/100 with 192MB of physical RAM, 128MB swap
4GB drive for / and swap
2GB drive for miboot (100MB) and /home
4MB for control on-board video

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