Hi everyone,
Being the curious person I am, I've wondered why use bay leaves and how they
enhance certain foods. I found the following article on the food lab at
and thought it might interest some listers.
happy reading,

"What's the Point of Bay Leaves?"

 Lots of stews, stocks, and soups call for bay leaves, but I don't really
taste them in the final dish. Would it make a difference if I left them out?

Here's an easy way to see what bay leaves really taste like: throw a couple
in a pot of water and let it simmer. Taste it after five minutes and you'll
probably get a good hit of menthol and eucalyptus (think: Vick's VapoRub).
That's the chemical eugenol you're smelling, and it's the biggest
constituent in the bay leaf's flavor arsenal of more than 50 compounds.

Let them simmer for longer as they would in a stew-say, an hour or so-and
you'll notice that the flavor and aroma will change. The harsh nose-clearing
menthol will taper down, while more complex tea-like aromas will start to
come forward. Those are the flavors you're looking to add to your soups,
stews, and sauces.

It's understandable why you may think they're optional. Bay leaf, by its
very nature, plays second fiddle to other, more prominent flavors. But just
as a grind of black pepper, some sautéed anchovies, or a softened leek might
not be instantly recognizable in a stew, they add a layer of subtle
background music for the stars of your dish to play over.

Dry or Fresh?
Many herbs are close to useless in their dried state. Those little jars of
parsley, basil, or cilantro? Leave them on the shelf. Tender, leafy herbs
have highly volatile flavor compounds that dissipate rapidly. All you gain
by using them in their dried form is a dusty texture.

But other herbs seem to do just fine when dried. Oregano, rosemary,
marjoram, and, yes, bay leaves. It has to do with their growing climate. Hot
weather herbs that grow in arid climates tend to have aromatic compounds
that are far less volatile (it makes sense, as these are leaves designed to
try and retain as much moisture as possible), which means that even after
drying, they retain a decent amount of flavor. Freshly dried herbs will
remain flavorful for up to a couple of months if they're stored in a cool,
dry place.

Want to keep your bay leaves flavorful even longer? Store them in the
freezer and they'll last for years. This is great to know if you're looking
to save some money and buy in bulk.

There's another very important consideration when choosing fresh versus
dried bay leaves.

I'm in the habit adding a bay leaf to my béchamel sauce and once made the
mistake of throwing a fresh bay leaf in there. I figured, fresher is better,
right? I ended up with a sauce that tasted like I'd tipped a bottle of cold
medicine into it. What gives?

Turns out that in this country, dried bay leaves are imported (generally
from Turkey) and fresh bay leaves come from California, almost universally.
And in fact, the two types of bay leaves are not even directly related.
Fresh California bay leaves come from a tree that has a decidedly more
potent eucalyptus flavor that can easily dominate a dish if you're not
careful, while Turkish bay is much milder and more nuanced. In fact, bay
leaves are the one case where I'd advocate against ever using fresh, unless
you know what you're getting into.*

Edit: *or unless you know that you're getting real mediterranean bay laurel,
not California bay.

Long story short? Yes, you should use bay leaves. No, fresh bay leaves
cannot be substituted for dry. Yes, you should store them in the freezer,
and finally, yes, I can tell you my favorite bay leaf-forward recipe: it's
this Jerk Chicken, where the chicken gets cooked on a full-on bed of smoking
bay leaves.

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