On 04/12/13 21:10, Robert Oeffner wrote:

I'm customising a small script for displaying the Patterson map from an MTZ file. As the 
names of the columns is arbitrary I wonder if there is a function available in Coot that 
lists the names of the columns in the MTZ file. It should be similar to the drop down 
list you get when you open an MTZ file through the menu "File | Open MTZ" that 
lets you select what columns to use for drawing the electron density map.

Hi Rob,

This is now available (as of r4839). Example usage:

import coot
a = coot.get_mtz_columns("test.mtz")
for i in range(a.f_cols.size()):
    print a.f_cols[i].column_label
for i in range(a.phi_cols.size()):
    print a.phi_cols[i].column_label


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