Lord Paul of House Emsely, I have done as thy has requested. I have honored
the traditions of my ancestors and added the code to coot_preferences.py.
Thy humble servant,
Lord David of House Dranow
To unsubscribe from th
I find myself fetching a lot of PDB coordinate files. Is there anyone way to
turn off the validation report dialog box? I don't really need that for my
purposes. I tried to mirror the nomenclature errors setting
(set-validation-report-on-read "ignore") but that crashed coot :-)
Hi All,
Does anyone have a decent set of refinement parameters for Coot 0.9.5 in linux?
My colleagues and I find that using the "r" shortcut causes most waters to fly
off and center on carbons, sometimes as far away as 45 Å! I've tried to change
the overall weight and Lennard-Jones epsilon, a
Hi Paul,
Thank you so much, that fixed the problem! Yay for keyboard shortcut
Of course now that this is fixed, I find another problem I wonder if you could
help with. I noticed that I can't expand edit-->settings. There is no small
triangle on the right to expand the menu to s
Hi Paul,
I'm not familiar with fitting.scm. I usually just edit files in
coot-preferences. Here is what coot says at startup (omitting all
residue/solvent cifs)
ddranow@ATL024272:~/temp$ coot
(coot-bin:276): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: object class
'GtkSettings' has no
I just upgraded to 0.9.5 in WSL (Ubuntu) and I noticed that three of my
keybindings for refinement no longer work (t, T, r). When I run those commands
I see the following messaged in the terminal:
graphics-general-key-press-hook 116)
((safe_scheme_command) Error in proc: key: unbound-variable
I'm late to the party, but I had similar issues in WSL1 and I found a very easy
solution. I started to use MobaXterm as my terminal for WSL. MobaXterm has
it's own built-in Xserver and it handles coot, phenix, pymol no problem.
MobaXterm is free to use so I highly recommend it. If WSL is
Hi All,
I recently installed Windows subsystem for linux on my Windows 10 laptop
running Ubuntu 18.04.2 using Xming as the X server. I've installed ccp4-7.0.
My problem is coot. When I launch it I notice in the terminal the following
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals fou
I have a lot of preferences enabled in my coot preferences file so certain
features are already enabled upon coot startup, for example
(set-show-environment-distances 1). What I can't seem to figure out is how to
enable "label atom?" to start checked like "Show Residue Environment". I know