Dear Colleagues,

Due to the application deadline originally scheduled for February 10, overlapping with Summer holiday dates in several South American countries, we have decided to extend the course application deadline UNTIL FEBRUARY 17, 2013.

We invite all of you interested in this workshop, especially the ones that have contacted us, to take advantage of this opportunity and send your application forms (plus CV and letter of your supervisor): last days for applications open!!

Find all details about the workshop and application form in <>- for further inquiries and applications contact <>!

*Second Macromolecular Crystallography School 2013 *at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay).


"Macromolecular Crystallography School 2013: From data processing to structure refinement and beyond"

*Dates:*April 9th-17th, 2013.

*Site:*Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Montevideo), Uruguay

*The workshop content:*

Conceived to provide theoretical background and hands-on abilities in the use of computational tools to exploit X ray diffraction data. Through lectures, tutorials and hands-on trouble-shooting, the students will be trained in state-of-the-art macromolecular crystallography. Particular emphasis will be given to data processing, phasing/structure determination and model refinement/validation.

The workshop will feature authors and experts of many modern crystallographic software packages.

This workshop represents the continuation within the series started in 2010 ( on Macromolecular Crystallography.

In this opportunity it is being co-organized by the Center for Structural Biology of the Mercosur CeBEM ( <>), jointly with the Collaborative Computational Project Number 4 (CCP4 -- UK <>). Support from the Institut Pasteur International Network, the International Union of Crystallography and Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is also greatly acknowledged.


Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and young scientists are encouraged to apply. Only 20 applicants will be selected for participation. Participants of the workshop are strongly encouraged to bring their own problem data sets so they can be used during the workshop's hands-on sessions.

There is no registration fee.

Support for accommodation, per diem and local transportation will be provided to all participants from abroad.

Support to cover travel expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Specific requests should be well-grounded as we will only be able to select a limited number.


Application *deadline has now been extended until February 17, 2013*. Application form, the program, contact info and other details can be found at <>

Please address further inquiries to <>

Ronan Keegan and Alejandro Buschiazzo

Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD
Research Scientist
Unit of Protein Crystallography
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Mataojo 2020
Montevideo 11400
Phone: +598 25220910 int. 120
Fax:   +598 25224185

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