I know of in/inout/out parameters from GLSL and, with most all conversions in
GLSL being explicit, they are the easiest thing ever to reason about. In GLSL a
2D vector and a float array of 2 can both be accessed using array indexing, but
nobody cares if one should be a subtype of another o
I’m going to challenge the consensus a little bit. First, Rémi's example can be
simplified to this one method which fails to compile with the same error
private static Optional simple1(
Optional o, Function> f
) {return o.flatMap(f);}
Second, although not in the webrev, Opt
It breaks on Fi (or Fum) in the inner loop before it gets the chance to output
Fi-Fum (or Fum-Fi) if Fi (respectively Fum) comes first in iteration order.
Have a nice day,
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Dave Brosius
The same issue is present even without any varargs or generics present, when
using plain old arrays:
String[] list1 = new String[1];
list1[0] = "hello";
Integer[] list2 = new Integer[1];
list2[0] = 1;
String[][] array
I think @SafeVarargs should be OK here since the array containing the varargs
already exists before the method starts executing and so the annotation amounts
to asserting that the passed-in vararg-array is just as safe during the
execution of the method as it is after the method execution comple
I have found that many times I need to write this simple helper method:
public static @SafeVarargs T[] asArray(T… ts) { return ts; }
I usually need this when I have several implementations I’m comparing and I
want to change the code for observing one of them to observing two or
Let’s not forget that in the use case where there is an installed security
manager, the API clearly states how those access checks are supported. The
results of access checks are communicated by the security manager using
unchecked exceptions. As a result the Files::walk implementation has to
The API documentation makes the point that if there is a security manager
installed which denies access to some entries amongst the visited files and
directories then those entries are silently skipped, their presence not being
disclosed by the walk terminating early due to an access denie