(This bounced or got hung up the first time I sent it.)

Hi Guys,

I work on Gosu, a JDK-based language, and I was talking w/ Charles Nutter
and Ola Bini today (ed: now last week) at OSCON, and a general idea that
I've been kicking around for a long time came up.  They both didn't think it
was crazy, so I figured I'd bounce it off this mailing list.  Apologies if
this has been discussed before.

Here's the problem I have: I'd like to return my mutable collections to
consumers as an immutable collection.

Now, I know I can wrap my collections in immutable versions, but that isn't
really what I want: I'm less concerned that the implementation is actually
immutable, but I'd like the consumer of my collections to *know* statically
that they aren't supposed to mutate the collection I'm handing them.  Tt a
practical level, the wrapping approach necessitates me either wrapping the
mutable collection I've got in my class every time I return it or to
maintain a second reference to the wrapped class, both of which are ugly.

So, what I think I want is an interface like, for example, ReadableList,
which has only the readable methods on List and none of the mutators.  And,
presumably, that would extend a ReadableCollection, which would have only
the readable methods on Collection, and so on.  (One point that Josh Bloch
made was that Iterable breaks this, but I *think* you could introduce a
ReadableIterator interface without the remove() method and use covariance
return types in the mutable collections to make it all work out.)  I could
then return my mutable Lists as this interface, and send a strong signal to
the caller that they shouldn't mutate them.  (If they downcast... hey, we
are all adults here, right?)

Some sample code:

class MyClass {
  List<String> someNames = ...

  public ReadableList<String> getSomeNames() {
    return someNames;

So callers of MyClass#getSomeNames() will know that I don't intend for them
to mutate the list.  And, of course, it would be nice if these interfaces
worked properly with the for() statement, etc.

As a side note, I like the name ReadableList vs. the more obvious
ImmutableList, since java.util.List would extend this interface and it isn't
an ImmutableList.

Anyway, this is obviously a very rough idea, but I'd like to hear what
people think and what problems might come up when implementing it.


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