Hi, I am a new user.I need to develop a huge mediagallery. My reqs in a
nutshell are a high scalability on the number of users, reliability of
users' data (photos, videos, docs, etc.. uploaded by users) and an internal
search engine.
I've seen some posts about the applicability of Hadoop on web apps, mainly
with negative response (ie:
I know about Amazon AWS and I think that maybe S3+EC2 could be a solution
(even if I still don't know how to integrate the search engine), but I would
like to not close the opportunity of using my own HW in the future.
I've seen that Hadoop provides API for using S3 HDFS and so i thought this
(hadoop framework) was the right layer on which my app should be based
(allowing me to store data locally or on S3 without changing the application
Now that I've configured a clustered environment with Hadoop, I'm not still
so sure about that.
I am a perfect newbie on this topic, so any suggestion is welcome! (maybe
the right framework could be Hbase?)


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