Re: [Help needed] Is there a way to know the input filename at Hadoop Streaming?

2008-10-23 Thread Zhengguo 'Mike' SUN
OTECTED]> To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 1:48:11 PM Subject: [Help needed] Is there a way to know the input filename at Hadoop Streaming? Sorry for the email. Thanks for any help or hint. I am using Hadoop Streaming. The input are multiple files.

[Help needed] Is there a way to know the input filename at Hadoop Streaming?

2008-10-23 Thread Steve Gao
Sorry for the email. Thanks for any help or hint.     I am using Hadoop Streaming. The input are multiple files.     Is there a way to get the current filename in mapper?     For example:     $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop  \     jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar \     -input file1 \     -in