Heshan Lin wrote:

I'm trying to configure RandomWriter to generate less data than does the default configuration.
bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar randomwriter -Dtest.randomwrite.bytes_per_map=<value> -Dtest.randomwrite.total_bytes=<value> -Dtest.randomwriter.maps_per_host=<value> <input-filename> The number of maps that will be spawned in this case will be total_bytes/bytes_per_map. Other parameters are test.randomwrite.min_key (size in bytes), test.randomwrite.max_key (size in bytes), test.randomwrite.min_value (size in bytes) and test.randomwrite.max_value (size in bytes).
I created a job configuration file job.xml and added in variables given at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/RandomWriter. Tried a couple of ways of running the program below, but configurations in job.xml were not taken by RandomWriter.

1) bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar randomwriter rand job.xml
2) bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar randomwriter rand --conf job.xml
3) bin/hadoop jar --conf job.xml hadoop-*-examples.jar randomwriter rand

Passing property values via the -D option didn't seem to work either. Can anybody advise on how to use the job configuration file properly?


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