
I have a dfs cluster with replication set to 3.  In dfshealth.jsp, I see a node 

Size(GB) = 930.25
Used(%) = 9.83
Remaining(GB) = 631.08

How is this possible?  Why doesn't (size - remaining = used * size)?  Are Size 
and Remaining measuring in different units (replicated vs. not)?

At the top of the page, I also see this:
Capacity     :     80.85 TB
DFS Remaining    :    29.94 TB
DFS Used    :    39.01 TB
DFS Used%    :    48.25 %

Does Capacity mean the same thing as Size?  Here, it looks like DFS Used% * 
Capacity = DFS Used.  But how does DFS Remaining fit in?


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