On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:02 AM, Johannes Meixner <jsm...@suse.de> wrote:
> On Mar 14 21:44 Jim Meyering wrote (excerpt):
>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> See the guidelines in coreutils' HACKING file.
> ...
>>> Interesting.  Looking at the coreutils-8.22 tarball, there is no HACKING
>>> file.  It's not in the coreutils-8.17 tarball either.  It is in the git
>>> tree
>>> though.
>> FYI, that is deliberate.
>> You can get it here, too:
>>  http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/tree/HACKING
>> If you're hacking on coreutils (as with most pkgs), you should be doing
>> so via a git clone, with the very latest, not starting from a tarball,
>> which is almost always out of date by at least a few commits.
> I agree for real upstream developers (i.e. who work as authors).
> But for casual external contributors it could be different:
> In particular experienced users that have it installed as binary
> software package from a (Linux) distributor (e.g. as RPM package).
> Those users may find an issue and then install the matching source
> package (e.g. a source RPM) so that they get the matching tarball
> of their currently installed binary software, then change
> that sources and provide a bugreport with patch to upstream.
> I think it won't hurt when even the binary software package contains
> such files as documentation. If for example coreutils' HACKING file
> would be installed as documentation, at least some experienced users
> may find and read it and contribute to upstream accordingly.

This might help.  I've Cc'd the coreutils discussion list.

> In general I think the installed documentation should be complete.
> For example the coreutils README file could provide more specific
> information how to contribute correctly to upstream.
> My currently installed coreutils-8.22 README file
> (from an openSUSE coreutils-8.22 RPM package) contains
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If you obtained this file as part of a "git clone", then see the
> README-hacking file.  If this file came to you as part of a tar archive,
> then see the file INSTALL for compilation and installation instructions.
> ...
> Send bug reports, questions, comments, etc. to bug-coreut...@gnu.org.
> If you would like to suggest a patch, see the files README-hacking
> and HACKING for tips.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> but I neither have README-hacking nor INSTALL nor HACKING installed.

Those things are typically useful to tarball(INSTALL) or cloned-sources
consumers, but as mentioned, at least README-hacking and HACKING
may help a few new contributors get started.

> Therefore the installed coreutils documentation looks incomplete from
> my point of view regardless that it is probably considered correct
> from upstream's point of view.
> Perhaps this is a packaging issue because the openSUSE coreutils RPM
> coreutils.spec file basically contains
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %install
> ...
> make install DESTDIR="%buildroot" pkglibexecdir=%{_libdir}/%{name}
> .
> .
> .
> %files
> ...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> see
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/Base:System/coreutils/coreutils.spec?expand=1
> According to the INSTALL file in my coreutils-8.22 tarball
> a plain "make install" should do "the right thing":
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
>      documentation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As far as I see it seems by default there is no documentation installed
> (except man pages) which means that each coreutils distributor installs
> a different set of documentation files.

Installed by "make install"?  That installs the build doc/*.info files, too.
Those constitute the primary documentation.

> I assume this is intended but I do not understand the reason behind.
> By the way:
> I wonder why is there no INSTALL file in the coreutils
> git source repository at git://git.sv.gnu.org/coreutils

It is imported from the gnulib submodule when you run
./bootstrap, as you must when building from cloned sources.

> I assume all this is intended and there are good reasons for it
> but from my point of view it looks somehow strange.
> Kind Regards
> Johannes Meixner

Thanks for the feedback.

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