# Learning with Small Data -- 3rd CfP

DEADLINE EXTENSION -- NEW!! also accepting non-archival 2p abstracts

Learning with Small Data
September 11-12, 2023
CLASP, University of Gothenburg

Come visit us in Gothenburg to our annual workshop organized within the
CLASP project activities!

Great topic, proceedings published in the ACL anthology, free registration,
free food (including gala dinner), amazing keynote speakers:

Aurélie Herbelot -- University of Trento
Tal Linzen -- NYU & Google
Danielle Matthews -- University of Sheffield


There is now an acute need for intensive research on the possibility of
effective learning with small data. Our 2023 conference, LSD, is devoted to
work on this problem, with application to computational linguistics.

Learning with Small Data will bring together researchers from various areas
to discuss  the sustainability of current state of the art methods in
computational linguistics which rely on very large models, such as ChatGPT,
GPT2-3, BERT, and XLNet. The conference encourages contributions from
machine learning, computational linguistics, theoretical linguistics,
philosophy, cognitive science, and psycholinguistics, as well as from
artificial intelligence ethics and social policy. We hope to see innovative
technical proposals, and we will cultivate a wide spectrum of views within
a lively dialog on the issues that the conference addresses.

Types of submissions:

Short archival paper (4 pages + references)
Long archival paper (8 pages + references)
Student archival paper (6 pages + references)
New !!! Non-archival abstract (2 pages + references)

Non-archival submissions will be presented as posters. This is a great
opportunity to get feedback on new work that is in progress or to present
previously published work to a new audience.

To learn more about CLASP, please visit:

## Important Dates:

Submission deadline: 2023 May 5, anywhere on Earth
*New submission deadline extension: 2023 May 12, anywhere on Earth*
Notification of acceptance: 2023 June 12, anywhere on Earth
Camera ready: 2023 August 14, anywhere on Earth
Conference: 2023 September 11-12, not anywhere on Earth, but in Gothenburg

Additional details in our website:

Corpora mailing list -- corpora@list.elra.info
To unsubscribe send an email to corpora-le...@list.elra.info

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