Multimodality and Interaction in Language Learning (MILLing) will bring
together researchers in linguistics and computational linguistics to discuss
learning through linguistic interaction, from the perspectives of both human
language acquisition and machine learning. We encourage contributions from the
fields of theoretical linguistics, experimental linguistics, pragmatics,
computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science.

The conference is organised by the Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in
Probability (CLASP, <>), University of Gothenburg.
The conference will be held between October 14 and 15 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Important dates
- Submission deadline: May 31, 2024, anywhere on Earth
- Notification of acceptance: Aug 30, 2024, anywhere on Earth
- Camera ready: Sep 20, 2024, anywhere on Earth
- Conference: Oct 14--15, 2024, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Invited speakers
- Catherine Pelachaud <>, 
  Director of Research at CNRS in the laboratory LTCI, TELECOM ParisTech
- Charles Yang <> 
  Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science at the University of 
- Napoleon Katsos <> 
  Professor of Experimental Pragmatics at the Section of Theoretical and 
  Linguistics at the University of Cambridge and Fellow at Trinity College, 

Topics of interest
We hope to see innovative work that considers language learning from different
perspectives, and we hope to cultivate discussion that reaches across
traditionally disparate disciplines. Papers are invited on topics in these and
closely related areas, including (but not limited to) the following:

- Language acquisition: formal, statistical, experimental, and machine learning-
  based work
- Language learning through dialogue in humans and machines
- Multi-modality and figurativeness in language learning and dialogue
- Linguistic variation, adaptation, and audience design
- Low-resource and ecologically plausible language modelling (e.g., BabyLM)
- Cognitive architectures for language learning
- Information state update in humans and machines
- Cognitive aproaches to second language acquisition
- Dialogue systems for language learning
- Online, reinforcement and curriculum learning in NLP
- Atypical development and language learning 
- Ethical considerations in AI-assisted language learning

Submission Requirements
MILLing will feature two types of submissions: long papers and short papers.
Long papers must describe original research, and they must not exceed 8 pages
excluding references (position papers are also accepted and should be formatted
in the same way). Short papers present work in progress, or they describe
systems and/or projects. They must not exceed 4 pages excluding references. All
types of papers will be published in the 2024 ACL Anthology as a CLASP
Conference Proceedings. Papers should be electronically submitted via the
softconf system at: <>. Submissions should
be PDF files and use the LaTeX or Word templates provided for ACL submissions
(<>). Submissions have to be
anonymous. Please make sure that you select the right track when submitting
your paper. Contact the organisers if you have problems using softconf.

Concurrent Submissions
Papers that have been or will be submitted to other conferences or publications
must indicate this at submission time using a footnote on the title page of the
submissions. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at MILLing must notify
the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline as to whether the paper will be
presented. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in
the proceedings. We will not accept publications or presentation papers that
overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have
been) published elsewhere.

Camera Ready Versions
Camera ready versions should follow the same guidelines with respect to style
and page numbers as the initial submission, i.e. there are no additional pages
allowed in the final submission. Please submit the camera ready version by Sep
20, 2024.

MILLing is organised by the Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in
Probability (CLASP, <>) at the Department of
Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (FLoV), University of Gothenburg.
CLASP focuses its research on the application of probabilistic and information
theoretic methods to the analysis of natural language. CLASP is concerned both
with understanding the cognitive foundations of language and developing
efficient language technology. We work at the interface of computational
linguistics/natural language processing, theoretical linguistics, and cognitive

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