

   I'm trying to upgrade to Cosign filter 3.0 from version 2 right now.

   However, i have encountered few problems and i have few questions about the 
new tag <validreference>.


1) what exactly do i have to put in the <validreference> tag.  

my iis server is called 'lynx', the web application is 'BlueGateway', 

the page i want filter to protect is '/BlueGateway/Cosign.aspx.

So, should i my validation URL be 
<validreference>http://lynx/BlueGateway/Cosign.aspx</validreference>  ?


2)Has the validation URL to be https?  or I can just use http?


  Rightnow, from the logs, it seems that the weblogin authenticates 
successfully, and send back login cookies 

in URL like 
 But somehow

the browser directly go to the above location. From what i understand that the 
filter should intercepts this validation URL 

and decode it then send user to the protected page. 

So what am i doing wrong here.


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