I find it hard to believe that courier pop3/imap supports the  maildir
format, but the esmtp does not, so I'm sure I've messed something up but
I've exhausted my resources.  Google was a good friend, got me pretty far
with this setup, but this one is killing me.

I have Courier 0.42.2 from courier-mta.org which I have compiled the source,
setup mysql tables with one domain and one user in them.  I can authenticate
and receive mail via pop3 fine right now no problem.

I can also send outbound email fine, by using smtp auth + mysql.

My only problem, is that when I send Inbound mail to this user, from some
completly different email address and domain (using a different mailserver),
the message gets all the way through, except esmtpd (or courierd actually
isn't it?) places the message in
'/usr/local/virtual/<userdir>/Maildir', which is just a file.  When I move
this "Maildir" file into the /usr/local/virtual/<userdir>/new directory, my
pop client downloads it and it is removed from the new directory.

If anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated.

Here are some parts of my configuration files, and log files...



I tried changing this value to several different options, I piped it to
maildrop (just uncommented the line in the configuration file), I tried
actually specifying the new directory, but the filename is always the same.

Mysql table+ record:
mysql> describe mailbox;
| Field          | Type         | Null | Key | Default             | Extra |
| username       | varchar(255) |      | PRI |                     |       |
| password       | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |       |
| name           | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |       |
| maildir        | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |       |
| domain         | varchar(255) |      |     |                     |       |
| create_date    | datetime     |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
| change_date    | datetime     |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
| active         | tinyint(4)   |      |     | 1                   |       |
| home           | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
| clear_password | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

There is one row contained in the mailbox table
mysql> select username,maildir,home from mailbox;
| username                     | maildir
| home                                             |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ |
/usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 /var/log/mail/info  (/var/log/mail/errors contained nothing relative to
Jul  1 03:01:00 ms1 pop3d: LOGIN: DEBUG: ip=[::ffff:],
Jul  1 03:01:00 ms1 pop3d: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Jul  1 03:01:01 ms1 pop3d: LOGOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
ip=[::ffff:], top=0, retr=0
Jul  1 03:01:31 ms1 courieresmtpd: started,ip=[::ffff:]
Jul  1 03:01:32 ms1 courierd: newmsg,id=0005020B.3F0131CC.00002ABC: dns;
mail.hiphopinfinity.com (216-239-233-45.rev.inyc.com
Jul  1 03:01:32 ms1 courierd:
started,id=0005020B.3F0131CC.00002ABC,from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,modu
le=local,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
com/!!,addr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jul  1 03:01:32 ms1 courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup time=Tue
Jul  1 03:32:51 2003, queuedelivering=7, inprogress=1
Jul  1 03:01:32 ms1 courierlocal:
id=0005020B.3F0131CC.00002ABC,from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,addr=<jason@
mydomain.com>,size=902,success: Message delivered.
Jul  1 03:01:33 ms1 courierd: completed,id=0005020B.3F0131CC.00002ABC
Jul  1 03:01:33 ms1 courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=Tue Jul  1 03:58:50
2003, wakeup time=Tue Jul  1 03:32:51 2003, queuedelivering=6, inprogress=0

Directory listing
# ls /usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
courierpop3dsizelist  cur/  Maildir  new/  tmp/
# ls /usr/local/virtual/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/new

Notice the Maildir file.
DEFAULT_DOMAIN          mydomain.com
MYSQL_DATABASE          postfix
MYSQL_GID_FIELD         '507'
MYSQL_HOME_FIELD        home
MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD       username
MYSQL_NAME_FIELD        name
MYSQL_OPT               0
MYSQL_PASSWORD          postfixpass
MYSQL_SERVER            localhost
MYSQL_SOCKET            /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
MYSQL_UID_FIELD         '507'
MYSQL_USERNAME          postfix
MYSQL_USER_TABLE        mailbox

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