hi Tony
The ability to provide for oneself is a natural "right' not a privilege 
I recently shifted  my focus from  management  coworking space management 
 to change managemenI with a view of creating 'industries' while the 
original focus was the  creative sector, we've been  approached by  
noncreatives, interested in  self employment.  Originally  started focusing 
on "space", as a solution however soon realized that our core target group 
had immediate financial needs. 

   1. Ideas/product development skills
   2. Business development skills
   3. Work space
   4. Living expenses

They  could not  pay  the low rates of existing  coworking spaces many were 
on extremely  fixed budgets. Jobs was not an option  but a necessity, in 
fact  many had challenges with food  and serious housing issues. Friends 
and  Family  were not an option. When we recommended existing spaces to 
those who had income sources, 24 hour accessibility became an  issue,  as 
did space design and since we dealt with the creative sector, equipment. We 
did however  develop a process that guided the "unemployable", to become 
not just income earners but  to also  hire others, The system is not  100% 
 new  this coworking  collaborative independence model is one  I saw my 
 mother and others engage in. In  recent months I've been working  with 
I'm exploring a virtual model as a support system for existing local 
communities in the US and international. We've tested it with solid results 
and  have committed to documenting a "how to guide' 

 I have been  looking  at existing  coworking spaces to recommend but 24 
access and space design is still a challenge as is location. These 
solutions need to be  within easy walking and travel distance to 

The greatest  challenge, the one aspect that pops up  and separates those 
who look for a job and those who opt for the freelancing/coworking option 
is  for lack of a better word a "need' to be validated, by being hired,or 
as some have pointed out, the willingness to take risk. Looing  for 
programs/experts resources in that type of change management 

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