Hey there --

As part of our process of forming Beehive Baltimore, which will be a
permanent coworking space here, we have been holding a series of twice-
weekly Jelly sessions and generally taking stock of the prospective
community which will make up Beehive Baltimore in the long term.

What we have found so far is that our constituency is overwhelmingly
male, young, and white.  I too fit into this demographic (er, maybe
not the young part so much these days), and I am concerned that we are
missing the input of other voices, particularly women and folks with
different cultural backgrounds.

That all being said, I think we need to be reflective of our
community, and I don't want to create an issue where none exists.
However, I am reasonably sure that we are not yet truly reflective of
our community, and am curious to learn what others may be doing to
promote a balanced and inclusive culture that does accurately reflect
their local community.

So I'm not convinced we have a "problem" per se, I just want to be as
inclusive as possible from the outset. Any input or advice is


Dave Troy
Beehive Baltimore
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