A two-part question:

1. At http://www.cpantesters.org/show/Perl6-Say.html#0.12, the most recent test report I have for Perl6-Say is this one:
... from October 14.

But I know that there have been more recent tests, because I've been getting failure reports from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Example:

These more recent tests don't show up on www.cpantesters.org. Anyone know why?

2. And speaking of those test failure reports, what's the best way to report that changes in Perl 5.11 (blead?) are causing failures in a CPAN module that previously passed?

Perl6::Say was designed by Damian for Perl 5.8. I took over its maintenace. It continued to pass tests on 5.10, even though it's utterly useless there, as 5.10 has a 'say' built-in function. But, all of a sudden I'm starting to get failures on 5.11.

I don't care about them per se, because Perl6::Say will never be revised again. But I think this says something about Perl 5.11 and I would like to know the best place to report it.

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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