On 10/19/2012 06:31 AM, Przemyslaw Wesolek wrote:
On 10/19/2012 09:48 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
I keep receiving such erroneous reports from Windows machines, and
apparently they are caused by overloaded PERL5LIB variables.

The overloaded @INC entries are caused by recursive CPAN calls, where a library needs another library still in blib.

I do not see what this has to do with your XML::RSS problem.

Would it be possible to simply load the @INC from a file containing
each path per line and populate it in a loop in Perl inside a BEGIN
{...} block to eliminate such erroneous warnings?

1. I do not believe that these warnings are erroneous.
The XML-RSS blib dirs are missing from your @INC, so CPAN fails.
PERL5LIB only prepends to your INC, but does not remove the missing blib dirs.

I suspect it is a Test::Run::Builder::Manifest problem.
You have different logical paths for EUMM and MB.

2. No, this is crazy.

Sure, I see no reason not to work. There is even a special 'hook' in the
form of sitecustomize.pl being read at startup, when such a support has
been compiled into perl ($Config{usesitecustomize}).

However, I don't know which Perl builds enable this feature; perlbrew
doesn't enable this feature by default, neither does Ubuntu.

I remember seeing such an approach a few times in hosting environments,
to add to @INC libraries of Cpanel-installed software.



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