CPANtesters appears to be failing to record the name of at least one distribution when receiving reports. The distribution which I have observed this in is Net-SSLeay, whose version 1.94 was uploaded on Jan 08 2024 ( If I go to the matrix ( or, however, the *displayed* version is 1.93_05, and I also see:

Other versions
NOTE: no report for latest version 1.94

So the system is aware that 1.94 has been released to CPAN but believes that no reports have yet been uploaded.

This discrepancy was called to my attention by Net-SSLeay's maintainers in the course of resolving an issue:

I then tried to install Net::SSLeay against a perl-5.39.6 where Task::CPAN::Reporter had been installed and was known to work properly. The report was generated as expected:

[bullseye:.cpanreporter] 2011 $ ls -l reports-sent.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkeenan jkeenan 42304 Jan  9 20:39 reports-sent.db
[bullseye:.cpanreporter] 2012 $ tail -n 5 reports-sent.db
test PASS MooseX-Has-Sugar-1.000006 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS Email-Address-XS-1.05 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS File-MMagic-1.30 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS Modern-Perl-1.20230106 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS Net-SSLeay-1.94 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64

As a precaution, I then generated CPANtesters reports for one of my own distributions on the same machine:

CPAN::Reporter: Test result is 'pass', All tests successful.
CPAN::Reporter: preparing a CPAN Testers report for Pod-Multi-0.10
CPAN::Reporter: sending test report with 'pass' via Metabase
  /usr/bin/make test -- OK

$ tail -n 5 reports-sent.db
test PASS Net-SSLeay-1.94 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS String-Random-0.32 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS File-Save-Home-0.11 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS IO-Capture-0.05 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64
test PASS Pod-Multi-0.10 (perl-5.39.6) x86_64-linux 5.10.0-25-amd64

When I checked, I found normal entries for the last 4 distributions listed above ...

[2024-01-09T21:09:46Z] [James E Keenan] [pass] [JKEENAN/Pod-Multi-0.10.tar.gz] [x86_64-linux] [perl-v5.39.6] [6a9cba0c-af33-11ee-b8ad-c2f41c0db3cd] [2024-01-09T21:09:46Z] [2024-01-09T21:09:39Z] [James E Keenan] [pass] [REYNOLDS/IO-Capture-0.05.tar.gz] [x86_64-linux] [perl-v5.39.6] [66b57988-af33-11ee-97d0-48f41c0db3cd] [2024-01-09T21:09:39Z] [2024-01-09T21:09:33Z] [James E Keenan] [pass] [JKEENAN/File-Save-Home-0.11.tar.gz] [x86_64-linux] [perl-v5.39.6] [62f380ce-af33-11ee-8d94-caf31c0db3cd] [2024-01-09T21:09:33Z]

... but (what I believe to be) the entry for Net-SSLeay was defective:

[2024-01-09T20:39:38Z] [James E Keenan] [pass] [] [x86_64-linux] [perl-v5.39.6] [356cdcc6-af2f-11ee-ad9c-81f21c0db3cd] [2024-01-09T20:39:38Z]

Note the '[]' after '[pass]'. I see 6 such defective entries now at, all from reputable CPANtester contributors.

Can you investigate?

Thank you very much.
James E Keenan

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