(PLEASE HONOR THE REPLY-TO!  Do not do a group-reply.  This post is a
bit broad, but several people on p5p have raised the "let's put
controls on CPAN" issue.)

I mentioned eariler on yas-talk the idea of doing a hack session for
CPANTS * a few days before and after YAPC, the idea being that the
problem is much bigger than any one person can get off the ground.  So
we'll hack at it for a few days together and get a working prototype
together.  Its a very deep and broad project to do right.

I'd like to get some RSVPs.  If you're interested in CPANTS and think
you can spend a few extra days in Montreal either before or after
YAPC, raise your hand!  Have a look through the synopsis (see below)
and if there's any particular part you're willing to tackle mention
it.  If you don't see anything interesting, tell me what you do find
interesting and I'm sure its in there!

If you're strapped for cash we can arrange accommodations, some nice
Montrealers have come forward and volunteered crash space.  We should
also be able to hang onto some dorm rooms.

All skills needed, even non-programmers (hey, someone's gotta design
the web site, right?)

If there's sufficient interest we can do a second session at YAPC::Europe.

* CPANTS is the CPAN Testing Service (currently vapor) to automate
quality assurance of CPAN.  Synopsis is here:


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
Beer still cheaper than crack!

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