Norm Deplume wrote:

> Law And Justice

> by Irv Benzion


> You are probably unaware as was I that it is illegal to criticize a
> federal judge or his/her actions or to cause "disrespect" to the federal
> court system. A federal judge may if in his/her opinion such an
> occurrence arises, issue a warrant, have you arrested and send you to
> jail without trial, appeal or parole. A citizen of this country may
> criticize the President Of The United States but not a federal court
> judge.

Former Alabama Governor George Wallace once commented that America is run
by "thugs and federal judges."

I'd like to see a cite for what law makes it "illegal" to criticize a
federal judge.  It was my understanding that pretty much all judges have
the power to have citizens dragged before them, to cite for contempt, and
to jail indefinitely without bail, without having to justify it to anyone.

I've always regarded this as a major loophole in our "nation of laws,"
namely that a judge can order you to do anything, and jail you if you

That and Grand Juries, which are unaccountable to anyone, and serve only
as tools of harrassment and intimidation, and rubber stamps for

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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