Those Meeting These Unusual Requirements May Qualify For
                $10,000 To $156,000 in Free Grants
     *No Interest Charges *No Credit Checks * Never Repay
Could you use a Free Grant of $10,000 to $156,000 but, not 
exceeding $5,000,000?
If so, it is very important that you read every word of this Free 
Grant Announcement.
New programs, funded by the U.S.Government, and private 
foundations, allows only
certain people that meet unusual requirements a Free Grant. In the 
past, only the select few were privy to these funds. But this has 
all changed. Free Grants are being paid in amounts up to, but not 
exceeding, $5,000,000 U.S.dollars. The relatively new concept of 
giving away money is called the Free Grant Giveaway Program. Now 
what really makes these special programs different is who is 
eligible for these special Free Grants. Common everyday people are 
getting these funds on a daily basis. It seems hard to believe, 
but it's the absolute truth.

No longer are Free Grants the domain of the privileged and choice 
few, but now they can be awarded to everyday people like you. 
Special preferential treatment for those receiving grants is not 
tolerated at all. All applicants are treated equal regardless of 
race, creed, financial situation or credit stability. Once you 
have been accepted to receive a Free Grant, you should follow 
certain guidelines. Use the money to start a new business, pay off 
old debts, clean up your credit rating, or use these funds for 
just about any other purpose. It will be your choice which 
investment or venture to invest in. Once you have qualified for 
the Free Grant, nothing can stop the funds from being delivered to 
your home by certified mail. With these, you will never need to 
pay back the money, ever. It's yours to keep for the rest of your 
life, and the best part is you will never have to answer to 
anyone! Not one penny ever has to be returned. It's all yours to 
keep forever.

This is a limited offer for all those in need of a Free Grant. And 
those that qualify will be eligible for up to but, not exceeding 
$5,000,000. Before I tell you more, let's make sure you are not 
wasting your time. You see they don't just give anyone a Free 
Grant, certain people qualify for this money. Those that don't 
meet this criteria, need not apply for these funds. If they do 
they will just be wasting their time. These special Free Grant 
Companies are set up to assist those in our society that are 
unable to secure money through conventional means. Someone has to 
help those in need, and they are set up to do just that. Those 
applying for a Free Grant must not have a total net worth that 
exceeds $250,000 and all applicants must be at least 18 years of 

These are genuine programs offering money to those candidates that 
meet their eligibility criteria. Everything in this announcement 
is perfectly legal and the verifiable, honest truth. The best 
thing about the Free Grant Program is that it requires: No credit 
checks, No credit history information, No co-signers, No 
collateral, No employment checks, No income verification, No 
higher education and even No special skills. But, they do require 
that you have a valid Social Security Number for tax purposes. 
Once you receive a Free Grant, you must disclose the amount of 
funds you received to the U.S. Government. The Free Grants they 
disperse are not tax-free. Money they send you must be declared on 
form 1099 to the I.R.S. and it is the responsibility of the 
recipient of the Free Grant to declare his or her earnings to the 
proper government authorities.

Normally all I would need is your name, address and other 
pertinent information to get your order processed. I would love to 
do this absolutely free for everyone who need this money, but I 
just can't afford to do that. I am asking for a nominal fee of 
just $39.95 to process your order. By asking for a nominal $39.95 

I am able to cover my initial expenses as well as being able to 
out those that just want to take advantage of my generosity. 
Besides, those that can't
afford this measly fee will probably squander the Free Grant money 
on something

How To Order

send cash, check or money order for 
$39.95 along with email address to send to.
Shipping will be within 24 hours of receipt
Checks will have to clear first

R.T. Marketing
6 Dexter Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801  


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