YES to all.


> Am 09.03.2022 um 00:18 schrieb Pat Riva via Crm-sig <>:
> Hello all,
> Following the discussion of F27 
> <>
>  during SIG 52 in February, further work on revised scope notes for F27 and 
> R16 was completed. It is presented here for an e-vote.
> This vote is in 2 parts: a-F27; b-R16
> Please vote Yes to accept the revised scope notes, or No to not accept them. 
> If voting no, please explain. I will summarize the results to the list on 
> March 20.
> a) Revised scope note for class F2, renamed as Work Creation
> This class comprises activities by which instances of F1 Work come into 
> existence. An instance of F27 Work Creation can serve to document the period 
> a work was coming into existence and the circumstances of it, when these are 
> known.
> An instance of F27 Work Creation marks the initial creation of an instance of 
> F1 Work through expressions or other externalizations that are sufficiently 
> elaborated so that the characteristic conceptual identity of the work could 
> be recognised as existing.
> In many cases this will coincide with the first known complete 
> externalisation of an expression of the work. In other cases, the initial 
> creation of an instance of F1 Work may be inferred from multiple, or later, 
> expressions or other forms of evidence. For instance, commissioning of a work 
> may explicitly be agreed on after the presentation of an already complete and 
> detailed elaboration of the work that was not made public. Performances may 
> be prior to written expressions, as in the case of Shakespeare’s works.
> The work, as an intellectual construction, may evolve from its initial 
> creation onwards, until the last known expression of it.
> An instance of E39 Actor with which a work is associated through the chain of 
> properties F1 Work. R16i was created by: F27 Work Creation. P14 carried out 
> by: E39 Actor corresponds to the notion of the “creator” of the work.
> -For comparison, the current scope note of F27
> This class comprises beginnings of evolutions of works.
> An instance of F27 Work Conception marks the initiation of the creation of an 
> instance of F1 Work. The work, as an intellectual construction, evolves from 
> this point on, until the last known expression of it. An instance of E39 
> Actor with which a work is associated through the chain of properties F1 
> Work. R16i was initiated by: F27 Work Conception. P14 carried out by: E39 
> Actor corresponds to the notion of the “creator” of the work. In the case of 
> commissioned works, it is not the commissioning that is regarded as the work 
> conception, but the acceptance of the commission.
> This event does not always correlate with the date assigned in common library 
> practice to the work, which is usually a later event (such as the date of 
> completion of the first clean draft).
> In addition, F27 Work Conception can serve to document the circumstances that 
> surrounded the appearance of the original idea for a work, when these are 
> known.
> b) Revised scope note for property R16, renamed "created (was created by)"
> -Revised scope note:
> This property associates the initial creation of a work and the instance of 
> F1 Work that was created.
> - Current scope note of R16
> This property associates the first conception of a work and the instance of 
> F1 Work itself that ensued from a given initial idea.
> It marks the origin of the causality chain that results in a work’s coming 
> into existence.
> Thanks, Pat
> Pat Riva
> Associate University Librarian, Collection Services
> Concordia University 
> Vanier Library (VL-301-61)
> 7141 Sherbrooke Street West
> Montreal, QC H4B 1R6
> Canada
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