Hello all,

Continuing the series of e-votes to complete outstanding homework.

Following the discussion of 
 during SIG 52 in February, further editing of the final two paragraphs of the 
proposed scope note of F28 Expression Creation remained.

On further analysis, the path information presented in the last paragraph of 
the F28 scope note seems better placed under R2 is derivation of (for works) 
and F27 Work Creation (as recently e-voted).

This vote is for the related changes to F28, R2 and F27.

Please vote Yes to accept the revised scope notes, or No to not accept them. If 
voting no, please explain.

I will summarize votes to the list on April 3.

a) Full scope note of F28 Expression Creation

(first 3 paragraphs accepted in February and given for context)

4th paragraph: revised text proposed, to be voted, points to usage of the new 
R76 property

5th paragraph: move first sentence to F27, path explanation to R2, see parts b) 
and c)

Scope note: This class comprises activities that result in instances of F2 
Expression coming into existence. An instance of F2 Expression is considered to 
be created when it is captured on a carrier other than the creator’s brain.

Although F2 Expression is an abstract entity, a conceptual object, the creation 
of an expression inevitably also affects the physical world: when you scribble 
the first draft of a poem on a sheet of paper, you produce an instance of F3 
Manifestation and an instance of F5 Item. F28 Expression Creation is a subclass 
of E12 Production because the recording of the expression causes a physical 
modification of the E18 Physical Thing that serves as the carrier. The creation 
of an instance of F2 Expression coincides with the creation of the first 
instance of F3 Manifestation that R4 embodies (is embodied in) this instance of 
F2 Expression.

The P2 has type (is type of) property can be used to specify the type of the 
instance of F28 Expression Creation (i.e., activities such as translating, 
revising, or arranging music are types of creation process). The type of the 
process is distinct from the type of result even though the typology frequently 
used for instances of the resulting F2 Expressions may imply the category of 
the instance of the F28 Expression Creation.

An instance of F28 Expression Creation may use as source material one or more 
specific instances of F2 Expression. When the source expression is documented 
this is also expressed by the property R76 is derivative of (has derivative).

In the situation where an expression of one instance of F1 Work serves as 
source material for the creation of the first expression of a new instance of 
F1 Work, the relationship between the works is indicated using the property R2 
is derivative of (has derivative) between the two instances of F1 Work. Path: 
F1 Work(1). R3 is realised in: F2 Expression(1). P16i was used for: F28 
Expression Creation. R17 created: F2 Expression(2). R3i realises: F1 Work(2). 
R2 is derivative of: F1 Work(1).

b) Addition to the scope note of R2 is derivative of (has derivative)

-Add 2nd paragraph explaining the path showing the derivation of one work from 

-Add mention at the end of the first paragraph that the property is asymmetric 
and irreflexive (following the pattern established with issue 517)

Scope note: This property associates an instance of F1 Work which modifies the 
content of another instance of F1 Work with the latter. This property is 
transitive, asymmetric and irreflexive.

The inverse of this property is equivalent to the developed path: F1 Work(1). 
R3 is realised in: F2 Expression(1). P16i was used for: F28 Expression 
Creation. R17 created: F2 Expression(2). R3i realises: F1 Work(2). That is, F1 
Work(1). R2i has derivative: F1 Work (2), without needing to specify the 
specific expressions involved in the derivation.

The property R2.1 has type of this property allows for specifying the kind of 
derivation, such as adaptation, summarisation, etc.

c) Addition to the scope note of F27 Work Creation, last paragraph

-The addition points to the use of R2 to document work creation based on 
another work.

(the starting point is the scope note as modified by the preceding e-vote 
ending March 20, 2022)

Scope note: This class comprises activities by which instances of F1 Work come 
into existence. An instance of F27 Work Creation can serve to document the 
period a work was coming into existence and the circumstances of it, when these 
are known.

An instance of F27 Work Creation marks the initial creation of an instance of 
F1 Work through expressions or other externalisations that are sufficiently 
elaborated so that the characteristic conceptual identity of the work could be 
recognized as existing.

In many cases this will coincide with the first known complete externalisation 
of an expression of the work. In other cases, the initial creation of an 
instance of F1 Work may be inferred from multiple, or later, expressions or 
other forms of evidence. For instance, commissioning of a work may explicitly 
be agreed on after the presentation of an already complete and detailed 
elaboration of the work that was not made public. Performances may be prior to 
written expressions, as in the case of Shakespeare’s works.

The work, as an intellectual construction, may evolve from its initial creation 
onwards, until the last known expression of it.

An instance of E39 Actor with which a work is associated through the chain of 
properties F1 Work. R16i was created by: F27 Work Creation. P14 carried out by: 
E39 Actor corresponds to the notion of the “creator” of the work.

In the situation where an expression of one instance of F1 Work serves as 
source material for the creation of the first expression of a new instance of 
F1 Work, the relationship between the works is indicated using the property R2 
is derivative of (has derivative) between the two instances of F1 Work.

Pat Riva
Acting University Librarian / Bibliothécaire en chef par intérim
Concordia University / Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve West, LB-331
Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8

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