Dear all,

This is for CRMact. Martin and I have reformulated the scope notes of actP21 and actP22 to include contained places and time spans as the HW dictated.

*Old scope note for actP21*

This property associates an instance of actE4 Event Template with the instance of E53 Place which is specified by the template as the place of the specified event.

*Proposed scope note for actP21*

This property associates an instance of actE4 Event Template with the instance of E53 Place which is specified by the template as the place of the specified event. An event will match the specified place when it happens at an instance of E53 Place which is contained within or is identical to the specified instance of E53 Place. This can automatically be verified if the two instances of E53 Place have been connected with the property P89 falls within (contains).

*Old scope note for actP22*

This property associates an instance of actE4 Event Template with the instance of E52 Time-span which is specified by the template as being the time-span for the specified event.

*Proposed scope note for actP22*

This property associates an instance of actE4 Event Template with the instance of E52 Time-span which is specified by the template as being the time-span for the specified event. An event will match the specified time-span even when it happens during an instance of E52 Time-span contained within the specified instance of E52 Time-span. This can automatically be verified if the two instances of E52 Time-span have been connected with the property P86 falls within (contains).

Happy to hear your thoughts.

All the best,


P.S. In the current version of CRMact, the range of actP21 is my mistake noted as E55 Type. It is of course E53 Place.
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